Thursday, November 15, 2018

Essential Facts About Chicago Asbestos

By Melissa Watson

The term asbestos refers to a group of six minerals that occur naturally in the environment. These minerals exist in the form of bundles of fibers that are separable into thin and durable threads, which can be used for industrial and commercial purposes. The fibers are poor conductors of electricity and heat. They also exhibit a high level of resistance to chemicals, fire, and heat. These qualities give asbestos a lot of industrial importance. This is what Chicago asbestos are all about.

Other minerals that resemble asbestos also exist. Such minerals include erionite. Asbestos is categorized as a silicate compound when it comes to quality and chemical composition. This means that it is composed of silicone and oxygen in its molecular structure. This composition often varies which leads to the six main types of the mineral in existence.

The mineral occurs in two main categories. These are amphibole and serpentine varieties. The serpentine category is made up of the mineral chrysotile. This mineral has long curled fibers that can be woven. As a matter of fact, chrysotile is the asbestos that has the most commercial applications as of today. On the flip side, amphibole category comprises minerals like tremolite, amosite, crocidite, actinolite and anthophyllite.

Amphiboles have fibers that are needle-like, which are more brittle than those that are in serpentine. Usually, there is a limit in the fabrication of amphiboles. The commercialization and mining of asbestos has been going on in most parts around the world such as North America from the 1800s. These mineral increased rapidly in their use during the Second World War. The use of these mineral in the construction and building industry highly increased since that time.

Some of the areas where the mineral is used is in strengthening plastics and cement for use in construction. It is also used in roofing, insulation, sound absorption, and fireproofing. Hot water pipes, steam pipes, and boilers in shipbuilding industry among other industries are insulated using the mineral. Also, clutch pads and brake shoes found in automotive are made using this material. Other products that are made using the same material are coatings, plastics, adhesives, paints, crayons, and garden products.

However, the boom of the industry did not last because in 1970s, its use was banned. Consumer Product Safety Commission was the first body in the US to label a ban on the substance. In 1989, the EPA would would later follow suit and prohibit any new applications of the substance. However, commodities developed before 1989 were allowed to remain in used.

The material was banned after the discovery that it could cause several health problems such as cancer. Considering that this product can be released into the atmosphere in form of tiny dust particles, their inhalation is made easy. They accumulate inside the body once they are inhaled and they do not undergo break down or disintegration.

The body does not have the means to reliably eliminate particles of dust when they make their way in. After some time, the particles cause mutation in cells hence causing cancer. In many cases, the particles build up in lungs. This causes lung cancer.

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