Monday, June 4, 2018

What Do Indiana Crime Scene Cleanup Crews Do

By Rebecca Hayes

If you, or someone in your family, has been the victim of a violent crime at your home or place of business, cleaning up the mess is going to be up to you. This is probably not something you want to tackle yourself. It is also not anything a regular cleaning service should help you with. You need to hire professionals who have the equipment and experience to do a thorough job. Indiana crime scene cleanup jobs can be complicated and dangerous.

These specialized cleaners go into places where there have been homicides, suicides, or other types of traumatic events not only to clean, but to sanitize as well. The best companies are staffed with workers who have been trained to understand the sensitivity of these kinds of situations. They treat their clients with the respect and compassion they deserve.

These specialized crews do not go into homes and businesses to perform ordinary housekeeping tasks. They work crime scenes that require expertise and training to handle. In situations where large quantities of blood and human matter permeate the surfaces, extreme caution must be exercised. These crews have the equipment and protective gear to keep them safe from contaminants.

Sometimes law enforcement has to use tear gas to end a dangerous situation. When they unload chemicals inside a home or office, removing the traces can be very difficult. Only qualified personnel is allowed inside buildings in these kinds of situations. Inhabitants are evacuated and instructed not to try and enter until the cleaning process is complete.

Not everyone can do this kind of work or is suited for it. If you think you might be interested in working in this field, you should know what employers are looking for. This is something you will need training for. Before you can enter a crime scene you have to understand the dangers, which can include exposure to blood borne pathogens. You will have to learn how to use the specialized equipment necessary for cleanups.

Crew members must have stamina and be in excellent physical condition. The circumstances are often difficult, and sometimes dangerous. You will be required to wear heavy protective gear such as face masks, gloves, and biohazard suits in the course of a job. You will be carrying a respirator that allows you to breath uncontaminated air.

In addition to the physical requirements, companies look for people who have compassion and integrity. Family members may be in the area when cleaning is taking place. Workers have to appreciate that these people have experienced tragedy. Employees often have access to private rooms and must be trusted to refrain from handling any personal items not associated with the cleanup. You will most likely have to pass drug testing and a thorough background check.

People who have been the victims of crimes have a lot to deal with. In addition to the trauma, they may find themselves being questioned by law enforcement and threatened by unknown individuals. Removing the physical traces of the traumatic event will allow them to begin the healing process.

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