Monday, April 1, 2019

Many States Are Now Conducting Video Visitation For Inmates

By Andrew Smith

Having a loved one or a friend being in a prison or in a correctional facility is a sad knowledge. Knowing the dire conditions inside such environment brings a lot of anxiety. The arrangement of visitation takes a toll personally and, worse, strains relationship among family members, plus, not to mention the long distance one has to cross on. Gladly, many states are now conducting video visitation for inmates.

A lot of stress could be experienced by the visitor during travels and actual meetings, and all for thirty minutes or less visitation. No wonder when during those times, emotional baggage is becoming bitterer. Physical stress almost always begets emotional bouts. It helps to know that there is another option in order to avoid such case.

The Florida States started the application of videoconferencing in year 1995 through the means of advance equipment. Installation of the CCTVs paved the way. Positive benefits on both sides of prisoners and security forces were being reported as mobilization was becoming lesser. And actual monitoring for security purposes was becoming minimal and optional.

The admin personnel would now handle more important jobs instead of moving the prisoner from one cell to another area. In case of safety measures, the movement of contraband among inmates was prevented. And so the practice of video visitation continues and improves to these days. Thanks also to the continuing improvement in the telecommunication system that has made everything feasible.

Many vendors or companies facilitating video visitation are now plenty. Some have direct know-how or contact with the management of the correctional area. Because per locality, only a single vendor is to conduct the service, and this company might have shouldered the setup of equipments.

Videoconferencing companies recover and profit from visitors as they are the ones who look for them. Other facilities have their own contractors who usually have provided the supply and installation of equipment. But the policies are determined alone by the correctional management from which all parties are to take heed to follow.

Videoconferencing is not free. Companies charge the visitor per minute for a minimum of 33 cents, in additional to a fix charging fee which, basing on the internet, could amount to 30 dollars. And the video duration is only less than an hour like, thirty minutes. Basing again on the reviews, other visitors have experienced extortion from greedy vendors.

One of the latest improvements in video visitation is the option in making it at the home. Unlike before when videoconferencing happens only on site the facility, which of course is obsolete as it is not at pace with the current time, inmates now may take a look at the outside world. They could communicate more than one loved ones and the background could be arranged in order to refresh previous memories.

Yes, nothing bets the actual sight of a beloved friend or family. The actual witnessing of their breathing and the shade of their skin is something no technology can match. But these days are becoming more hectic and lives are complicated. Other than the health issue and safety concerns of the visitor, the wellbeing of other family members should also be considered, and thus, improvement in the communication technology must be embraced.

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